Saturday, December 15, 2007


Foulkstown Ballinure Thurles Co. Tipperary Eire tel/fax 353 52 31604

9April 96

Dear Jehane

I am so sorry, we both are, to hear of Tom’s return to hospital for chest surgery. Though we are naturally grateful to hear that the surgery is to be less drastic than before, the news of a return is in itself upsetting. To relieve the sense of helplessness at this distance I am going to do what we often do, though infidels, what in such a situation seems appropriate here in Ireland, - have a mass said for his speedy and full recovery. I hope that will be OK and that Tom will understand the spirit of it.
By a bizarre coincidence I just this day dropped into the post in Clonmel a letter to Tom and an offprint of the published version of ‘On Misunderstanding Science’ and returned home to find your letter. I don’t know what moved me to write just when I did. The offprints have been here for a month or more.
Please carry to Tom our warmest feelings, regards and wishes.


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